Wee Care is a self-supporting, non-profit program with enrollment being open to all children.

We strive to bring the love of God and the teachings of Jesus into the lives of our students and do so by implementing Christian principles into our decision making process, and by example.

We are committed with our time and talents to the children God has placed in our care. It is our preschool goal to provide a stimulating and nurturing environment which will generate a natural enthusiasm for learning as well as prepare him/her for Kindergarten.

An experienced, loving staff plan appropriate developmental activities, which help your child learn about their expanding world, enhance and build self-esteem, and face new challenges with self-confidence and Christian values.

During the preschool day, children experience activities in counting, matching, reading readiness, music, art and imaginative play. We provide your child an appropriate environment to develop at his/her own pace.

Our Philosophy